About Us

South Wales Tints And Wraps

South Wales Tints And Wraps is committed to providing it’s customers with the highest standards of window film installation and support whether the job be very large or very small. We wrap vehicles from cars and vans to busses and anything in between. Whatever the vehicle, we are passionate about delivering the highest standard of finish. We love working with the most advanced techniques to revitalise everyday cars into something unusual. So talk to us about what ideas you have in mind, and let’s create something magical.
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The rules for tinted front windscreens and front side windows depend on when the vehicle was first used. There are no rules for tinting the rear windscreen or rear passenger windows.

Vehicles first used on 1 April 1985 or later

The front windscreen must let at least 75% of light through and the front side windows must let at least 70% of light through.

Vehicles first used before 1 April 1985

The front windscreen and front side windows must both let at least 70% of light through.

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